All MatSE students are encouraged to participate in undergraduate research. Students may earn course credit or a stipend for their work. Students may participate during any semester and at any time.
MatSE Research Fair
The MatSE research fair is held in the beginning of the fall semester. During the poster session style event, graduate students share their work and discuss opportunities that are open to undergraduate students within their different research groups.
Department and College level Undergraduate Research Opportunities
- EMSAGE Research Initiative Award
Up to $300 in support of individual undergraduate research travel, contingent upon availability of funds and a dollar-for-dollar department match, for a total of up to $600. - Materials Science and Engineering
The department provides undergraduate students with rich research opportunities to compliment and enhance our academic offerings through a variety of programs. - Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) — The Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) is an eight-week research program designed to interest talented undergraduate students from underrepresented groups in academic careers and to enhance their preparation for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors. In addition to the research experience, the program includes professional development workshops, seminars, field trips, and social activities.
University-level Undergraduate Research Opportunities
- Undergraduate Education: Research Opportunities for Undergraduates
Undergraduate Education promotes undergraduate research and creative endeavors by providing project and conference travel support and hosting an exhibition of student work each year. Working with faculty mentors, students engaged in research connect with a disciplinary community and share in the excitement of discovery. View resources below: - Undergraduate Education: Research Projects
View list of projects availaible with EMS faculty. - Erickson Discovery Grant Program
Program supports undergraduate student engagement in original research, scholarship, and creative work under the direct supervision of a faculty member - available for summer semester. - Conference Travel Support
Penn State undergraduates who are presenting the results of their research or creative work at national or regional professional conferences may request financial support to defray the costs of attendance at the conference.
Research and Poster Exhibitions
- MatSE Undergraduate Poster Competition
- EMS Undergraduate Poster Exhibition
The EMS poster exhibition provides an opportunity for undergraduate students in EMS to showcase their research, and connect and share their work with other students, faculty, staff, and the community. - College of Engineering Research Symposium (CERS)
CERS 2017 showcases the cutting-edge interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research that is being conducted at Penn State in paper and poster formats. - Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology Student Symposium (ECMSS)
ECMSS is an annual student run symposium held at Penn State’s University Park campus, which brings together graduate students, undergraduate students, and faculty members engaged in environmentally relevant research. - Penn State Undergraduate Exhibition
Penn State's annual Undergraduate Exhibition communicates and celebrates the participation of undergraduate students from across the University in research and creative endeavors.
External Competitions
- Collegiate Inventors Competition
The Competition brings together the nation’s brightest college minds to showcase, recognize, and award their cutting-edge research and discovery.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation.