
Yihuang Xiong (Vincent)

Yihuang Xiong (Vincent) Yihuang Xiong is from Nanjing, China. He received his B.Cs in Materials Science from Pennsylvania State University in 2014. Yihuang participated in the Undergraduate Research Fellowship program at Penn State studying gradient free PZT thin film growth and property characterization for energy harvesting application in Dr. Susan Trolier-McKinstry's lab.

Yihuang joined the Colina group in the summer of 2014 to study novel classes of polymers: Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs) via computational simulation tools. He is currently studying the interaction between solvent (water or an organic solvent mix) and PIMs and how the properties of polymers would be influenced by them. This work promises to provide insights on the gas-solvent-membrane interactions, which may be used to increase membrane performance.